Thursday, October 11, 2012

Long Time

I have been spending a few days with my Mom.We where suppose to go away to The Upstairs Inn but my someday son in law poked his eye with needle nose pliers. He is on the mend and very lucky to still be able to see.My sister also got sick. She is also better.I seem to get more done when I  am with other sewers so I packed my projects and off to Mom's I went.So far I have started a new knitting project its a cowl.It is coming along nicely and I learned how to do yarn overs.Actually I watch more knitting podcast than I knit but I am learning.The other thing Mom and I have been making is fabric owls.She has made a couple before this and everyone likes them.I have 2 sewed and 2 cutout. It is such a good use of stash.The more patterns and colors the cuter they look.When I get a minute I get inspired from all the different projects on Pinterest .My daughter and I have been checking out stuff to make for Christmas.We try to make most of what we give or buy second hand.Sometimes just re purposing a item will make a neat gift.I am going to try and post what I have been up to again. On Sunday we start the first class of The Jo Mortons Quilt club at my other sister's quilt shop.They will be made out of reproduction fabrics. Since the last time I posted I became a grandmother again.Her name is Temperance and she is about 6 weeks old. Now I have 6  which is hard to believe. I will have to think of a catchy closing to my post.Good night !


Miss Marker's Quilts/Margaret Leuwen Quilting said...

I so wish I could have joined you! I agree, I always get more done when we are together!

trish said...

Hi Jane.
Thank you for asking about the log cabin tutorial. Your email is marked as "no-reply" so am dropping a line here.
The reason there is only one 2.5" is because the center is separate from the Moda fabric used. All the blocks have a white center. Each square provides enough of two of the same fabric to make your log cabin blocks.
Don't hesitate in contacting me again if you need more help. :o)